Has taken over

It is the fastest growing retail sector on the planet and has now overtaken traditional desktop-based online shopping by leaps 

Mobile Commerce Is Set To Grow

"If you don't have a dedicated mobile app for your retail business, you are losing out and leaving money on the table" The search engine pages as well as third party delivery services and myriad of social networks are portals that are FULL of your competitors offerings and in the game of client retention stakes you are losing out to this truth every day that you don't have a dedicated mobile app as part of your marketing ecosystem irrespective of the size of your business...

Own a small piece of valuable real estate on your customer's home screen...

because the next time they need what you sell, they do not call a delivery company for their pizza, or search Google for the best deal on a gadget. Studies have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that they click on the icon on their home screens that they trust to deliver the goods. It is the path of least resistance or effort and it is incredibly powerful. Add to that your ability to send free and unlimited push notifications, discount vouchers, coupons and an in-app loyalty program and owning your own dedicated mobile app cannot be beaten in terms of marketing spend. Rand for Rand, Dollar for Dollar, it simply cannot be beaten.

This does not mean that you should ignore the other parts of your marketing ecosystem, far from it, but the fact of the matter is that whilst the platforms mentioned above can and do bring new customers along with their fresh spondoolas, the savvy marketers have known for decades already that it costs anything up to ten times more to find a new customer than it does to keep an existing one loyal to your brand.

Having your own dedicated mobile app can and will find new customers for your business. It happens slowly and organically, but typically is not the purpose of an app. Apps are about engagement, loyalty and brand building and have proven themselves indispensable at realizing the absolute maximum revenue per sale out of each sale that is possible.

As an agency we have had the pleasure of working with some of the biggest retailers in the world as well as for a plethora of mom and pop stores and we have employed some tactical marketing launches for some of our clients in the past that have caused massive influxes of new business, but this is normally considered a short term goal of any app. When the app is used to garner long term loyalty to your brand, you lend long term sustainability to your organic growth of contented customers growing slowly month after month while new ones are drip fed into the system,  keeping your business healthy and on the grow.

Some of our Framework Apps cost around the same as a decent advert in a tier 1 newspaper, but the app works for your business for it's lifetime, whereas the newspaper advert is yesterdays news tomorrow!

get a dedicated app for your business

Click on one of the icons below to learn more about an app specific to your industry. If you don't see one that suits your type of business, tap the "Enquire Now" button and 3 minutes from now, we will receive your specific request and the relevant info will be mailed to you. No sales calls, no endless marketing campaigns. When you are ready, you will call us :)


A digital agency and mobile app studio based in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. Custom software development with a flair for all things Open Source is how we roll!