Schoolio Logo



One central dashboard, which can be controlled by nominated admins, controls all permissions and access and has an eagle eye view of the entire school.  


The school's entire academic function can be controlled, applied, monitored and measured by Schoolio. Right down to daily lessons, granular content and control is possible


An incredibly powerful HR platform to assist with staff records, attendance, access, progress and general performance. Schoolio also includes a full payroll management system


A full blown student/school interface capable of handling homework, assignments, timetables, extramurial activities, to-do lists and even online or remote exams should the need ever arise


Allows parents to keep an close view of their child's progress: any disciplinary action, test results, event calendars and even allows them to arrange and track school transport. Live teacher/parent chat facility


Each staff login level enables a different dash. Academics and exams for teachers, Call logs for reception, Fees & Expenses portal for the accountant. Each login is unique and overseen by admin

Multi Level Login

One central school management system to rule them all! Permission levels are set by the Super Admin allowing various levels of access to the system. Be that a parent checking on a student's progress or signing their homework or a librarian checking books back in to the library, each role contains it's own rich set of features aimed at easing the arduous task of managing a school.


Super Admin - Has full control of all features and sees all activities. More than one Super Admin is possible

Admin - Is able to manage and control day to day features

Teacher - Manage student and academic activities incl exams, homework, attendance and performance

Receptionist - Ability to manage all front office features incl call logs, queries, complaints etc

Library - Systematic management of entire library environment

Accountant - Trace fees and expenses all in one convenient place

Parent - Ability to check daily and term progress, meet and live chat with teachers

Student - Collab with all school activities incl homework, events, exams, timetable, projects, sports etc

Multi level login

Communicate and engage like never before

With the ability to harvest any blog post or social media post, send and receive personal messages, broadcast pushnotes to all or to specific groups, send reminders, send events, start a "your school" dedicated social network, create custom forms and receive feedback, live video parent/teacher meetings and chat

Your school has never had the ability to communicate quite so effectively before and the stats prove it! Smartphone users:
~ 91% Of smartphone owners have their phones within arms reach 24/7.
~ 71% More likely to act upon a push notification than an email.

~ 61% spend more than 4 hrs a day on their smartphones engaging with apps
~ App usage has overtaken television as the primary entertainment source

Schoolio Teacher Login
Features Brochure
Churchapps Brochure
App for Churches Brochure
Pre-School Brochure


For a hands-On Look

Feel free to populate any data you like in this blank environment

Schoolio - Cost Effective School Relationship management

Schoolio doubles as a cost effective modern Relationship Management Tool. You don’t have to pay for hardware, server or software maintenance.
Schoolio is loaded on to the same hosting package or server that your website currently uses and belongs to the school forever. There are NO MONTHLY FEES to pay. Ever!

No Additional Hosting Cost

If your school has an existing website, chances are good that you already have the prerequisites in place, and you can co-host the application on the same servers as your website using a subdomain eg

Relationship Management At All Levels & More

Not only does Schoolio manage all relationships the school has, be that suppliers, parents, teachers, committees, daily & event attendance...even birthdays, but it keeps a handle on the smooth running of accounts and their relationship management. Schoolio also has the ability to take cognisance of sibling and even distant relationships in the school and adjust any accounts based on these relationships

Fully Mobile Responsive

Accessible from anywhere using any modern browser! Desktop, Laptop, Tablet & Phone compatible - The choice is yours. Schoolio also has an optional dedicated native Android app which makes mobile functionality even easier.

You can login to our demo instance of Schoolio and have a look at the feature set, but it can seem a little daunting to the untrained or uninitiated. We can highly recommend requesting a guided tour which will quite clearly show just how user friendly Schoolio is at all levels. The demo login is as follows:

Password: Demo123456

engage like never before

No SMS costs, no printing costs, no bulky unread emails

Unlimited push notifications*

Free and unlimited push notifications sent directly to the device that your congregation pays the most attention to! Flurry Analytics have published stats that prove users are 77% more likely to take action on a push note than they are upon receiving an email.

Segmented Groups: Send push notes to selected groups only for eg Youth leaders, Prefects, Sport staff or send to the whole school.

Geo Fencing: send push notes to a specifically defined geographic region only

Inactive Members: Identify and target members that haven't been around in a while and encourage them back 

Scheduled Push Notes: Pre-write a chain of push notes at your convenience and schedule their delivery. Great for daily or weekly messages, project reminders or even just a simple heads up an hour before school begins to get laggards out of bed :)

*As part of the optional native mobile app

App for Churches Push Note


Now in it's 8th year and 6th major edition, the Schoolio platform is what is known to geeks as a rolling development. This means that although it is already fully functional and is used by schools all over the world, it is in a constant state of upgrade and development and new features and security upgrades are continuously being added. Because we firmly believe in the spirit of open source software, these upgrades are available to all our schools free of any charge for life. Typically these happen twice per calendar year and are made freely available. A single click is all that is required by Super Admin. Unlike other software that quickly ages and becomes irrelevant, Schoolio is cloud based, evergreen and very much keeps up with the times.

NB. From time to time certain modules are released that are available for sale that do not form part of any upgrade, for eg, Our Multi Branch Module or our Advanced Behavior Monitoring Module

Get In Touch With Us

Book an online video meeting with us and we will be happy to take you over the platform and discuss whatever your requirements are. We are committed to your success and as an agency we always lead with sound business principles and marketing first, and tech a close second


A digital agency and mobile app studio based in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. Custom software development with a flair for all things Open Source is how we roll!