Social Media Marketing...

Get the pro's working with you to leverage this huge potential

Social Media Marketing

Leverage The power of social media for your business...

Get the pro's working with you to leverage this huge potential

Social media is a key player in customer retention

Social media, for any business, is a tool for becoming more consumer-centric; and keeping existing customers happy is at least, if not more, as important as finding new ones. Social media is a game of customer retention through customer engagement.

Up until this point in time, media in the modern era has lacked an element of two-way engagement.
Previously, the consumer had to take long, arduous channels of communication to the company; it was easier not to communicate at all. Many don’t see it this way, but the advent of social media has been nothing short of revolutionary. It has radically altered the way consumers and companies interface, affording companies a far more comprehensive understanding of their target group, down to the level of individual preferences.

The Information Age has its own set of commodities. Thousands of years ago, salt was worth more than gold. Fast forward to the years where cars drive themselves and meat is grown in labs (and the government is totally hiding UFOs), it turns out that customer information is worth more than salt or gold.

The good news is that extracting this info has never been cheaper and more effective. Your customers are dying to tell you exactly what they want and how you can give it to them, and they happily spend almost a quarter of their day, every day, on social media. Every comment, like and share adds up to metrics that can be monitored and used to make sure that your business is offering nothing less than precisely what your customers have a burning desire for.

It is also one of the few moments where the tables turn and customers begin hunting for brands instead of the other way around: users are far more likely to follow a brand on social media before they even follow celebrities.

Social media is of course also the perfect opportunity to offer value in advance. This is a hugely important point because consumers simply return to businesses that offer them free info, free guides, or free anything for that matter. Offering something even slightly useful in every post to thousands of people every day means that thousands of people every day see your business as trustworthy and helpful. In giving you will receive, and as a business practice this proves to create truly loyal customers. The beauty of this is that social media allows you to offer something useful at virtually no cost to you. Once again, information is more valuable than gold. A chocolate brand posting a simple brownie recipe is enough to boost customer engagement and thus customer retention.

All of this...quite literally at your fingertips. It’s never been easier, and in the time of a pandemic, it’s never been more beneficial.

Monitoring the metrics is heavily involved, and so is creating helpful content crafted specifically for your customers and potential customers. This is where we come in. We take care of the fine details, extract useful customer info and distil it all into effective marketing collateral for deployment on any channel, even offline. This isn’t a war that can be won by button-pushing. At Appsolutely, we tactically plan before we attack with stratagem, constantly monitoring effectiveness

Because if it isn’t monitored, it can’t be managed!

Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements